Page 12 - Whales and Dolphins
P. 12

Whales and Dolphins

Whales and dolphins are marine               The shapes of their blowholes
mammals that have torpedo-shaped             differ among species, which help
bodies with non-flexible necks, front         scientists in their identification.
limbs modified into flippers, a large
horizontal tail, nostrils on the top of the
head, non-existent external ear flaps,
and also their charismatic flat heads
(with the exception of ziphiids).

They have a thick layer of blubber that      Whale skulls have small eye orbits.
provides a multitude of uses - helping       They have long snouts (with the
with buoyancy, giving energy for             exception of monodontids and
fasting when migrating to the equator,       ziphiids) and their eyes are found
and offering some element of                 on the sides of their heads.
protection to predators who can have a
hard time getting through their thick
layer of fat. Ranging in size from
6.2metres to 34metres long for full-
grown whale adults Cetacea and have
two- to three-chambered stomachs
that are similar in structure to
terrestrial carnivores.The Blue Whale
is the largest known creature that has
ever lived on Earth. Excepting sperm
whales, all other female whales are
larger than their males’ counterparts.

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