Page 8 - Whales and Dolphins
P. 8
Oh Allah, praise and thanks are due to you as many as what is in the heavens and what is on the earth and what is between
them. This book is a summary of a collective effort that included a number of people, had it not been for their help and
contribution, it would not have been possible to produce this book in its wonderful form. I do not know how to express my
thanks and appreciation to everyone who contributed information, photos, notes, visuals and language modifications. I
am pleased to extend my thanks and gratitude first to the Director General of Nature Conservancy, Eng. Sulaiman bin
Nasser Al-Akhzmi, for encouraging me to write the book, follow-up, and benefit from his accurate observations.
I note that most of the information received has been compiled by a number of experts who have dedicated their time and
work over the past decades, therefore my special thanks goes to Robert Baldwin, Gianna Minton and Elayne Looker for
their constant support with information and resources. I would also like to thank the Environment Society of Oman for its
effective role in studying these marine mammals and its contribution to providing valuable information for their
conservation and protection of their habitats.
I also want to thank Ms. Kate Wilson of the International Whaling Commission ( IWC ) for allowing me to share data and
illustrations of whales and dolphins. I also extend my sincere thanks to the trainee students from Sultan Qaboos
University and the German University of Technology for their contribution in gathering valuable information to prepare
the book.
I especially want to thank my distinguished colleagues in the Department of Marine Environment Conservation for their
enriching observations and visions in modifying the items and content of the book: Eng. Hilal Al Shukaili, Mr. Hilal Al
Nabhani, Mr. Badr Al Balushi, Ms. Aziza Al Adhubi, Mr. Muhammad Al Rezaiqi, Mr. Badr Al Busaidi, Ms. Mona Al Tarshi, Ms.
Sana Al Jardani, Mr. Hamood Al Neeri, and I can forget my distinguished
colleagues: Thani Al Shihi and Ahmed Al Wahaibi, who supported me and
participated in the field work.
The text of this book has witnessed a significant improvement with several
editorial contributions to the Arabic text. Mr. Nasser Al Kindi, Mr. Haitham Al
Rawahi, and Mr. Al Mukhtar Al Hinai. Mr. Nigel Winsor and Mr. Oliver Estedes have
also proofread the English language, and I especially want to thank my
distinguished colleagues in the Translation Department of the Environment
I would like to thank the people and entities that contributed wonderful pictures of
whales and dolphins despite the difficulty that comes with photographing them
well, and the maps that show their whereabouts, especially the photographers:
Haitham Al Rawahi, Haitham Al Farsi, Haitham Al Shuaibi, and I also thank the Five
Oceans Environmental Services LLC. (5OES) and Environment Society of Oman.
I would like to thank in particular His Excellency the President of the Authority, Dr. Eng/ Aida Al Jabri
Abdullah Al-Amri, and the General Directorate of Administrative and Financial
Affairs for their support and efforts in publishing this book. Marine Environment Specialist