Page 16 - Whales and Dolphins
P. 16

Types of Cetaceans:                         1. Baleen whales

Scientists have identified 90 species        (without teeth):
of cetaceans, 20 of which are found in

Oman, They are divided into two types       There are fifteen species of baleen whales,
of parvorders (i.e. level of taxonomic      ranging in length from 2 to 30 meters. These

classification):                             whales do not have teeth, but their mouths

                                            contain hundreds of thin plates used to filter

                                            their food from water, and it is these plates

                                            that are called “baleens”. The baleen

                                                         is made out of the same protein

2. Toothed whales                        Scientists      that makes up human
(Odontocetes):                        have identified       fingernails and hair, and the
                                                             baleen hangs from the
                                                               upper jaw of the whale.

Odontocetes possess teeth             20 species         The inner side of these
with dentine cells. Unlike                               plates contains brush-
human teeth, which are                                    like fibers that filter food.
composed mostly of enamel                                 Baleen whales have a
on the portion of the tooth                               glandular stomach as a
outside of the gum, whale                                 continuation of the

teeth have cementum                                      esophagus, which helps

outside the gum. However, the         of Cetaceans in         them better digest their
enamel is only visible in larger            Oman             food. Baleen whales
whales, where the cementum is                              usually feed on small prey
worn away on the tip of the tooth.                       such as sardines and krill.

This parvorder, includes whales that                     Their foraging areas are in

have teeth including sperm whales,                     shallow areas near the coast, in

beaked whales along with dolphins and       depths of no more than 200 meters. They

porpoises. There are 65 different species of toothed are sometimes known to migrate over

whale that vary magnificently in terms of size, hundreds to thousands of kilometers, and

shape, number of teeth, living places, and the live either alone or in pods of up to three. For

marine species that they feed on. The sperm whale, hunting and breeding, these pods can grow

for instance can dive for 45minutes down to far larger.

1,200metres to feed on squid.

Instead of teeth, baleen whales have fine, comb-like plates made of keratin along with two blowholes, whilst
toothed whales have only one.

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