Page 49 - Whales and Dolphins
P. 49

The base or hump on the

                                    may take up as much as 1/3                                always sits on top of a very
                                         of the body length                                   broad base, or hump. This
                                                                                              hump is more pronounced
Slightly rounded forehead                                                                    in Indian Ocean and Atlantic   always sits on top of a very broad
                                                                                                                            base, or hump. This hump is more
                                                                                                          species           pronounced in Indian Ocean and

                                                                                                                                       Atlantic species

A long slender beak.

                      rounded tips  humpback calves are born dark grey and can
                                    become mottled with pink, or almost entirely
                                     pink as adults in some populations. Indian

                                       Ocean and Atlantic species remain grey.

*Note: 'Illustrations reproduced with permission from the International Whaling Commission”

                                                                                             © G.Minton/ESO, 2011

                                                                                             © G.Minton/ESO, 2011

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