Page 27 - Whales and Dolphins
P. 27

Single blow hole at the                                                                      hump
front of the head and
                                                                                                   between the dorsal hump and the tail
   slightly to the Left
                                                                                                                                                     Flukes are triangular and often
                                                                                                                                                       lifted before deep dives. They
                                                                                                                                                      can be scarred and ragged on

                                                                                                                                                              the trailing edge

Enormous head –                 Small spatula-shaped
 up to 1/3 of total                                                                                                                        Robust tail stock
 body length and      Narrow lower jaw - under-                                               Dark grey or brownish skin is wrin-
uniquely square in   slung and usually not visible
                     from above or the side. Area                                              kled and prune-like, with parallel
       shape         around mouth may be white
                                                                                               striations running from the head

                                                                                             towards the tail, but concentrated on

                                                                                             the back 2/3 of the body

*Note: 'Illustrations reproduced with permission from the International Whaling Commission”

© Ionian Dolphin Project, 2021

© Ionian Dolphin Project, 2021

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